Don’t smoke on the clock

I got caught smoking pot at work not too long ago.

Actually I was live on the air at the time, finally working the graveyard shift for a radio station.

I firmly maintain that it is not my fault. I even tried to get a lawyer to protect myself and others in a wrongful termination suit, however none of them were interested in my case. If you look at it from my point of view it was just a dumb mistake, really not enormous enough to warrant myself and others getting fired. The night in question all of us at the station were in the middle of a 24 hour long “dazed & confused” marathon, playing a lot of songs about drugs. Since all of us were highlighting music about cannabis, I didn’t sincerely assume it would be a big deal for myself and others to really get high on the air. If anything at all, the sounds of myself and others inhaling cannabis should have added to the true authenticity of the music! It’s not that I even broke the law, because I have a prescription for medical cannabis that I get legally filled at the dispensary every week. Even though it wasn’t illegal it was a violation of policy. Specifically, that I smoked cannabis in the facility, because all the radio DJs just smoke cannabis at home, & the bosses think this, but when I brought cannabis into the station to smoke, that was a rule violation that could not be overlooked, so they fired me. If I had it to do over again, I would have made a different choice, however now all I can do is look for another place to work that is cooler about cannabis use.
OG kush

Do you want to feel better in your skin?

Smoking pot gives myself and others more self-confidence. I wish that wasn’t the case, & that I was a natural confident person, however I’m simply not. I am self-conscious to a fault, I don’t trust myself enough, & I can be legitimately shy around new people. These are dumb qualities I wish I did not have, because they get in the way of myself and others enjoying my own life. I have regularly been terrified of public speaking, or even speaking up in front of people. I love to be quiet & keep to myself. This is why cannabis has truly been so fantastic for me, my mental; health, & my social life. When I smoke cannabis I immediately forget about how sad I am, & I forget to worry about what other people think. For my prior birthday I went to a Drag Show with some of my friends, & just before getting out of the lofty vehicle I took many big, deep hits of OG Kush. I rolled up cannabis into a joint, for the purpose of smoking it at the last possible minute before going inside. I wanted to be as super high as possible for the big event, which is why I selected OG Kush, which is simply one of the most potent strains of cannabis I have ever sampled. I shouldn’t have worried so much, because inside the nightclub many other people were openly smoking cannabis! I actually assumed the Drag Show didn’t enforce local cannabis laws, because almost everyone was high. It definitely was one of the best afternoons of my life, & I couldn’t have enjoyed it without lots of cannabis. .




Just be chill about it

I grew up in a legitimately pot-friendly household and I wish everyone did.

My parents had both been hippies until I came along.

They rarely got high at home in front of me, however they made no secret of being active smokers whenever I wasn’t currently around. This gave myself and others a certain perspective of cannabis that most other people did not receive. To myself and others getting high seemed quite normal, it was only something that adults did in private, & was not entirely a big deal. Once I got to go to private school all my educators & advisors told myself and others that cannabis was actually just evil, & would lead to criminal behavior. I had seen firsthand that there is nothing inherently dangerous about cannabis, it just made my parents giggle a lot. So when all these grown adults in positions of authority told myself and others cannabis would ruin my damn life, not only did I not guess them, however it made myself and others distrust them completely. When my educators told myself and others cannabis was evil, I knew them to be total liars… or something even worse, which is condemning it without having tried it even once. Anyone who has tried smoking cannabis cannot say that it is harmful or dangerous. I tried smoking cannabis myself a few times while in school, although I didn’t love it. Later on, when I was in university, I finally sampled some much higher quality cannabis, I liked it a lot more! Now that I have my own family life, & run my own household, I do much as my parents did & treat cannabis the very same way I treat alcohol – it’s just not a legitimately big deal.

Marijuana dispensary

She was a baller the whole time

Grandma Helen was the one who taught myself and others about cannabis edibles.

Even well into her old age Helen was a spitfire of a person who never slowed down.

Helen was regularly so placid & even-keeled, the whole family relied on Helen for strength & emotional support. She was a matriarch, Helen was the glue that held the whole family together. What most people never knew was that Helen was pretty much stoned 24/7, her calm demeanor & unshakable spirit were both from a constant intake of potent cannabis edibles. This first came to my attention one day when I snuck into the living room & took one of Helen’s “special” cookies from the cookie jar. A minute later I was feeling on top of the world, & told Helen what had happened, so Helen had to explain to myself and others what cannabis was, & how I had accidently eaten some. Helen wasn’t mad, of course, but she told myself and others those cookies were not mine to eat, cannabis is not harmful at all, so she didn’t freak out, Helen really let myself and others like being stoned! Afterwards all of us had that long talk, about how Helen ate her cannabis cookies every day to keep herself calm & healthy. Helen said that cannabis was something I had to stay away from for a few more years, however back then I did not listen to her. I started stealing more of her cannabis cookies, until Helen hid them from me, & upgraded them with raisin cookies in her cookie jar.


Read more about cannabis

They’re the best places to review

For the last many years I have grown my local reputation as an online product reviewer. I think that currently it seems that everyone’s a damn critic, & thinks they can write a review, although I am really fantastic at it. People have started to pick up on that, as well. Over the years I have written hundreds of reviews, & have developed a following of my own. I was an influencer before anyone knew what that was! I often will even get requests from local corporations for myself and others to come & visit, because they think a favorable review from myself and others will help grow their business rapidly. Recently I did a tour of many local cannabis dispensaries for a series of reviews, & honestly was legitimately pleased with what I found, but first of all it should go without saying that I happen to be a large fan of cannabis, & get high every single day. In the past I regularly went and purchased marijuana through a friend, because I just didn’t trust any of the local businesses. It really isn’t that I assume the cannabis dispensaries are shady, I just assume the government will screw myself and others over as soon as they get a chance, so I like to go out and buy pot anonymously. I have to say that visiting some of these cannabis dispensaries opened my eyes to how amazing these corporations are! Not just with the variety of cannabis products, many of which are smokeless edibles, however also because of the freebies & extras they supply away. Look up my cannabis reviews at the location below, because these new cannabis dispensaries are off the chain.

Cannabis business place