I do not smoke legal medical cannabis, because the government in this state is undoubtedly strict… If I had the money, I would cheerfully move anywhere else, but that simply is not an option, but besides, just because weed isn’t legal doesn’t mean it isn’t readily available. In the seasoned days they called it “the war on drugs” but the government lost that war! People love drugs, plus are willing to pay on them, so they will be available no matter what the law says, but this is capitalism in action, right? I would love it if there were a legal cannabis dispensary, just for the sake of convenience, but if I have to keep buying from Jimbo, then so be it; Jimbo plus I used to go to high university together, way back in the seasoned days, plus he was a cannabis dealer then, as well. People used to say that Jimbo had no future because all he cared about was marijuana. The joke is on them, because I still assume most of those nay-sayers, plus Jimbo makes a lot more money selling marijuana than they do at their square jobs. I am a automobile mechanic, plus I make fine money, but if I had it to do over again I would beginning selling marijuana love Jimbo! He told me the other day that he always votes against the legalization of marijuana. Jimbo thinks that if there are legal recreational cannabis dispensaries then he will make a lot less money. I see his point, despite the fact that I will still keep voting to legalize cannabis any chance I get.