Growing marijuana flowers is legal

Both of us also supply some of our marijuana plants to the local dispensaries

When you live in 1 of the cool states, where recreational plus medical marijuana is legal, you can grow a certain number of marijuana plants for your personal use. In the section where I live, the amount of marijuana that 1 person can grow is eight plants, but at any time, each individual over the age of 21 years outdated in the home can have up to eight plants growing. If myself, our partner Al, her sister plus her fiance, plus our mom all live in the same house, after that we can grow up to 40 plants at the same time. I do not know if you have ever seen 40 marijuana plants all at once, however it is quite a scene. It takes a lot of work to grow 40 marijuana plants. That’s why our sister plus her fiance live on the farm with Al plus I, then both of us spend hours a day actually working on the marijuana farm so we can grow the best flower available. Al and I work with a co-op to supply marijuana to veterans. Both of us supply the marijuana at zero cost in order to qualify for other grants plus programs. Both of us also supply some of our marijuana plants to the local dispensaries. A lot of our money comes from growing marijuana. It’s nice to live in a friendly locale where we can farm plus work in an industry that is on the rise without worrying about getting into trouble with the law. As long as we do not grow more than 40 marijuana plants, we are not breaking any laws, then we’ve had a couple of cops out here to check on our operation plus they have been unable to find any reason to shut us down.



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