Once upon a time there was a fun little plant called marijuana.
It was known as pot, weed, grass, & multiple other names.
It was illegal, however not usually enforced because it wasn’t a big deal at the time, over the years that little plant has gone through a lot of evolution, as well political upheaval. I spend a lot of time in the shop listening to the old-timers talk about their younger days. One thing that they never seem to mention is how weak the cannabis was back then! People complain this week if their marijuana strain is low in THC, however did you know in the 60s it only had a fraction of what it does this week? Compared to current strains of cannabis, the old stuff was closer to tobacco than familiar weed! There isn’t a cannabis dispensary someplace that would sell the weak strains from the 60s, their customers would never buy them, but since I was raised to be respectful to my elders I never call them out on this fact, however I have to roll my esure when they say cannabis this week “isn’t as superb as it used tobe.” I know for a scientific fact cannabis this week is 10 times better than it used to be, but what’s interesting to me is how the old-timers have developed such a tolerance to cannabis & THC that they don’t notice the difference. They are used to the new cannabis strains now, however still lionize the old strains. I typically learn a lot when I listen to them talk about cannabis.
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