Security is honestly pressing, especially when you have information for thousands of clients for patients, and hospitals have to regularly worry about patient security; Doctors and nurses have to worry as well, then even arenas like the marijuana shop have to be anxious about having your patient information secure and safe, however i work at a data storage center and all of the information for thousands of marijuana dispensaries is kept in one building, but most of the time it is truly quiet and there is never anything interesting going on, then yesterday there was an attempt to infiltrate the software and the secured data storage center was hacked, however someone created a software program to get into the database from the recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries.
It was really a competitor trying to acquire our buyer information so they can send them promotional and advertising materials, and this is a type of thing that has happened in the past.
It’s not usually something that gets through to this level, however the hacker was exceptionally good at these programs, but when I was alerted of the attack, I immediately shut down our software, but unfortunately, it was too late to stop the attack entirely and all my friend and I could do was provide up. My good friend and I had to shut down the entire data feed in order to keep the hacker from getting all of the materials; After that calamity, my friend and I had to rewrite all of the code for the marijuana dispensaries. This time my friend and I decided to go with a multi-level security system that will never be infiltrated. It has five passkeys and encryption.
All of our purchaser information is at a secure data storage center