I have to chop back on my medical cannabis budget

My money right now is fairly dwindling.

I do not have money to do virtually anything outside of my normal toil schedule.

I have to save all my money for my bills plus medical expenses. I also have high bills to pay for the loft as well, but my electric bill has been going up recently because of inflation increases across the board. I also have a car payment that I have to fill every single month. There are just so various expenses that I end up forgetting to budget for everything. That way I end up over spending almost every month. It’s a unquestionably sizable issue for me right now trying to just survive. I am residing paycheck to paycheck plus wondering if I am even going to be able to keep this job in the next 5 years or not! Eventually artificial intelligence is sure to update my job with a mere computer program… Naturally, I have to chop back on my medical cannabis spending. I have to try to get as various medical cannabis products as I can for as low of a price as possible. It’s difficult when you do not have an income that you can increase simply by working more hours, so until I toil more hours, I cannot buy more medical cannabis products plus I already am, however unfortunately the price on medical cannabis has been consistent plus I stayed over the last two years. In some states medical cannabis products are going down because the supply has outmatched the demand. It will take a few more years before my friend and I see this play out in my home state with medical cannabis.

Medical Cannabis Cards