I didn't even think I was going to be able to finish my labor on time

Every week I have to worry about finishing up my labor on time.

Since I labor from home, I have a particularly lenient schedule plus I can labor whenever I want.

As long as I finish all of my projects by the end of the week, my boss does not care how long it takes or when I work. Sporadically I will labor at night when everyone is sleeping because it is the quietest time of the afternoon. Sporadically I labor during the afternoon when the youngsters are taking a nap. It depends on my schedule plus my hubby’s schedule too. She also has a 9 to 5 job plus that means that I have to labor around her schedule plus take care of the youngsters. One of my friends from college came to visit on Sunday plus my associate and I chose to go out for dinner. I finally planned to get all of my labor done in the afternoon when dinner was over. Cheryl wanted to smoke a marijuana joint with me. At first I said no, because I knew that I had to labor later that afternoon. Cheryl insisted that she brought the marijuana joint to smoke with me so my associate and I could remember the ancient times. My close pal and I honestly smoked a lot of marijuana when the two of us were in college. I truthfully do not know how I managed to graduate with honors when half of the time I was totally blitzed during class. I eventually agreed to smoke the marijuana joint with Cheryl plus I regretted the decision all afternoon. I could not get any labor done at all.


medical pot