I was home on Thursday night plus I decided to invite a couple of friends over to hang out plus play video games.
I purchased a case of beer plus two bottles of vodka.
I had a coupon to buy one plus get one free Tim Hortons Latte product at the store near me, so I finally purchased one regular Tim Hortons Latte plus one diet Tim Hortons Latte. My loving wife actually loves Diet Tim Hortons Latte plus I knew that I would not go through two cases of regular Tim Hortons Latte. My acquaintance Jack purchased a bottle of tequila plus she brought that to the condo plus my acquaintance Danny brought recreational cannabis supplies; Danny loves to smoke recreational marijuana on the weekends. I have definitely tried recreational cannabis a couple of times, but it’s not something that I usually prefer. It makes me feel particularly out of control plus I do not like feeling that way, and when Danny showed up with recreational marijuana, I was already six beers plus three shots into the gathering. Danny said my associate and I should all go outside plus smoke a joint plus I was the first lady to say yes. I took two or three hits from the marijuana joint. It actually tasted fantastic for a change. Danny told us that the marijuana joint was infused with hash oil, live resin, plus top shelf flour… By the time my associate and I got back inside of the house, I was actually high. I felt like my two hands were floating plus my body was weightless. It was quite a gathering on Thursday night. I do not remember all of it, but everyone seemed to have a great time.