I'm not supposed to smoke at all

There are a lot of people that split the rules of my condo complex… For instance we are not supposed to have grills of any kind on our balconies or inside of our units.

The mindset is that a grill, whether it’s charcoal or gas, can lead to a serious fire in a multi-story building.

I took this for granted when I lived in a dorm room in school. I even had a charcoal grill that I used a couple times despite the rules from the school’s administration, and but now that I live in an condo complex, I realize that it just takes 1 bad actor to burn down the entire site. Even if both of us managed to all get out alive, both of us would all lose our entire lives to 1 stupid and avoidable mistake, however so in that respect, I understand that’s why they don’t want people to be using grills on their balconies. However, if you are going to allow people to smoke cigarettes on their balconies, it makes actually no sense to forestimate people from using medical cannabis. There are stupid rules in the bylaws for the condo complex that make it illegal to smoke marijuana in your room or on your balcony even if you have a medical cannabis card registered with the state. I suppose love this is a serious example of discrimination on part of these unscrupulous condo managers. I just use a vaporizer inside of my equipment and deliver the middle finger to the condo managers in passing. I easily don’t care what they have to say and I would be willing to take them to court if they ever threaten to throw me out over my medicine. I’m not a recreational cannabis user, I use marijuana for medical purposes. It’s pure discrimination to forestimate me from using it in my unit.


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