Cancer treatment with cannabis products is a winner

I’m thankful for a lot of things when it comes to dealing with cancer. First, I’m super thankful that I’ve always been on top of my health. I’m in good shape, fit and healthy so am ready for the challenge ahead. On top of that, because I was on top of my health, the cancer was caught early. With the help of medical cannabis, I’m ready to face the new challenge of cancer treatment. The fact that there is a great team of doctors I can count on is also essential. Then I have the added benefit of the caring and support of my friends and family. Talk about essential. However, I was sort of surprised by how insistent my doctor was that I figure out how to get a medical marijuana card prior to beginning chemo. She told me that the cannabis products would be important for managing the side effects of the chemo treatments. Most people deal with a wicked nausea from chemotherapy and medical marijuana benefits are proven to help manage that situation. But the more people I talked with and the more medical marijuana information I dug into, I found that medical cannabis has other benefits. There is a certain amount of fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis. What does this mean for the rest of my life? Will I get to remission and then what? How sick am I going to get? All of these questions come with plenty of fear and trepidation. Those I know who’ve been through it and sought the medical marijuana benefits all gave rave reviews about this aspect of my challenge. Sounds like I can count on medical marijuana to keep me even and positive as I face the biggest challenge of my life thus far.


Medical Marijuana Doctor

Seeing the light a bit thanks to access to the cannabis dispensary

Nobody likes to be wrong about the direction or purpose in their lives. And for me, I was so totally wrong when it came to something I completely believed in. I’m not saying that being a soldier is wrong, that’s really not my judgment to make. But it was wrong for me and that only compounded the effects of PTSD when I came home. Thanks to the cannabis products I get from the legal weed store and great therapy, I’m starting to forgive myself for being wrong. I wanted to hold on tight to the fact that my romanticized ideas about combat were right and just. Yet, my mind and then my body just couldn’t make that work out because the truth was so much different for me personally. The things that I saw and endured while in combat may stay with me forever. Accepting that fact is key to me being able to accept all this stuff and ultimately, accept myself as I am. The talk therapy as well as the group therapy are so beneficial when it comes to that self acceptance. There is a part of me that just couldn’t connect how I could have been so utterly mistaken about my choices for my life in the military. But there are so many others who also went into it with the best intentions only to find out it wasn’t at all what we were expecting. The cannabis flower products I use are essential for me to be calm, safe and comfortable enough to explore what happened to me and why. While I may have this with me the rest of my life, I know that I can now deal with PTSD thanks to the caring, compassionate support I receive. And thanks to cannabis flower products.



medical cannabis dispensary

Medical marijuana is so helpful with my fibromyalgia

The body and the mind are truly remarkable.

But there are times when they don’t work together and almost seem to be at odds with each other.

At least that’s the case for me when it comes to my inflammatory condition. Thanks to cannabis products from the legal weed store, I’m able minimize the worst of my symptoms while maximizing the best of my perspective and hopeful trajectory. That has been key in my ability to keep going and learn to manage fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia or fibro is a sort of catch all diagnosis. It’s a condition where there is widespread muscle, joint and connective tissue pain. It’s not fun and it’s not arthritis either. This is what makes fibro so tough to understand and then ultimately manage. There is medical marijuana benefits for fibro and I think much of it has to do with the fact that cannabis products work to lessen inflammation and relax my soul. The research on fibro seems to show the connection between stress and inflammation. This is a big connection and that’s where the medical marijuana really comes into play. I’m much better at being able to deal with life now that I have a tool to work with. Fibro can put me down and put me down for days on end. That was before I started treating with the cannabis gummies I get from the legal weed store. Using the cannabis products allows me to get deeper into my stretches with added range of motion. And the safer, calming and positive feelings I get with the cannabis gummies reduce my stress which in turn reduces my fibro symptoms.

cannabis tropicals

MS symptoms managed better with cannabis products

I hear the term new normal being used quite often in reference to finding our way during the pandemic.

And I think that is an apt term.

I’ve been finding my new normal for about five years now. That’s how long it’s been since I was diagnosed with MS. With the medical marijuana benefits for MS symptoms widely recognized, I too can attest to the help I’ve received from cannabis products. My new normal certainly includes cannabis flower products to help me manage some of my symptoms. The specialist I was referred to recommended cannabis products in addition to the medicines that I take. For sure, it’s not like I’m going to not have MS by using medical cannabis. But the medical marijuana facts are that my condition is managed so much better when treating with medical cannabis. I was a bit hesitant to use cannabis products. My husband was key in helping me get started with the cannabis flower products that are now part of my every day. He was a weed smoker back in the day so he helped me figure out the actual daily logistics of using cannabis flower products for my MS. One of the things that is most impressive when it comes to the cannabis products I use is range of motion and relaxing muscle stiffness. I do stretching exercises along with yoga and meditation to improve my range of motion. Medical cannabis is key to this effort. It’s amazing how I’m able to negotiate different poses and stretches without spasm or muscles locking up due to stiffness. Of course, the medical cannabis also has other very important benefits for me psychically and emotionally. Being 31 and finding out you have an incurable condition isn’t easy. Medical cannabis also provides me with a feeling that this too shall pass.

Medical Marijuana Doctor

At least mom is comfortable with help from cannabis products

Actually, I found that the process for figuring out how to get a medical marijuana card was pretty straight forward.

But the thing that sort of made it unique was that I wasn’t trying to figure out how to get a medical marijuana card for myself.

I wanted to get one for my mom. And that was not as tricky as I thought given the care and compassion that surrounded the process. My mom is at the end of her life. The cruel twist there is that she has dementia and that really makes this last phase of her life all the more complicated. The thing that got me going on learning how to get a medical marijuana card for mom was research. I found out about the medical marijuana benefits for someone with dementia. First, there are no cures for dementia so the idea that cannabis products would reverse the effect of dementia weren’t on the radar. What I was hoping to accomplish with the medical cannabis was to just make my mom more comfortable. I wanted her not to be scared so bad when she was confused and disoriented. That’s where the cannabis products from the legal weed store make the big difference. Plus, my mom loves the cannabis gummies. They are the best candy she’s ever had, she tells me. The cannabis gummies help her to just relax and allow confusing states to just be. That’s all I want for mom on her way out. No terror is the way that lady deserves to finish off a life of such caring and accomplishments.

medical marijuana store