I hear the term new normal being used quite often in reference to finding our way during the pandemic.
And I think that is an apt term.
I’ve been finding my new normal for about five years now. That’s how long it’s been since I was diagnosed with MS. With the medical marijuana benefits for MS symptoms widely recognized, I too can attest to the help I’ve received from cannabis products. My new normal certainly includes cannabis flower products to help me manage some of my symptoms. The specialist I was referred to recommended cannabis products in addition to the medicines that I take. For sure, it’s not like I’m going to not have MS by using medical cannabis. But the medical marijuana facts are that my condition is managed so much better when treating with medical cannabis. I was a bit hesitant to use cannabis products. My husband was key in helping me get started with the cannabis flower products that are now part of my every day. He was a weed smoker back in the day so he helped me figure out the actual daily logistics of using cannabis flower products for my MS. One of the things that is most impressive when it comes to the cannabis products I use is range of motion and relaxing muscle stiffness. I do stretching exercises along with yoga and meditation to improve my range of motion. Medical cannabis is key to this effort. It’s amazing how I’m able to negotiate different poses and stretches without spasm or muscles locking up due to stiffness. Of course, the medical cannabis also has other very important benefits for me psychically and emotionally. Being 31 and finding out you have an incurable condition isn’t easy. Medical cannabis also provides me with a feeling that this too shall pass.