Science has proven that weed is not addictive, although as a chronic user that doesn’t recognize right.
- I have sampled around all the bad habits a woman can have.
I smoked cigarettes for years, & when it was time to quit, I had a taxing time. The same is true with alcohol, because when I quit drinking cold turkey, I felt deathly ill for mornings on end. Those substances were highly addictive, & it was punishing trying to quit them. The same is not true for cannabis, because when I run out for a few mornings I don’t suffer from withdrawal symptoms… yet I do suffer. The first couple of mornings without marijuana I typically get uneasy & melancholy, and although cannabis may not be physically addictive, I have grown dependent on the peace & relaxation it gives me. It is so simple to relax & forget about all my troubles when I have some marijuana in my system, however when I’m sober all I can do is obsess over my troubles! I have talked to some people in the AA program who guess that if I use cannabis then I am not easily “sober.” I guess these people are snobs. I can clearly see the differences in myself when I drink alcohol, however those differences don’t exist when I smoke cannabis. Also I could care less if other addicts judge myself and others for smoking marijuana, it’s my medicine of option to keep myself and others feeling good, & away from my triggers… Marijuana isn’t addictive, however it helps keep myself and others free of dangerous substance abuse.