My kids did their school work while I smoked weed

I truthfully didn’t mind when the girls had to stay at the beach house from school because of the coronavirus.

  • I kind of enjoyed having the girls with myself and others for the whole entire afternoon.

I missed having them with myself and others everyday. I was entirely working at home, so it wasn’t any real brother to have the girls with myself and others all afternoon. I didn’t have to take any time off my work position; the only time it was a pain in the butt was when I wanted to go outside to smoke a marijuana joint. I went outside a couple of times each afternoon so I could smoke a joint plus get some fresh air, however my girls do not think that I use recreational marijuana products. They are rather young plus really wouldn’t think there is a great place on the porch where the girls cannot sneak up on me. I sat in that tiny little corner smoking our marijuana joint.I could see the girls entirely working at their tiny little desks. The marijuana joint made myself and others assume much more calm plus content. I would frequently smoke a marijuana joint before an afternoon of entirely working on math plus studying for a job with the girls. My girls can be honestly stubborn. It was hard to get them to do their school job when they weren’t in a classroom. I can only imagine how hard it is for the teachers to get them to do their work. I was certainly glad when the girls went back to the academy plus I think they were glad to return to the classroom for some normalcy.