I can really walk to the bathroom or into our home learn these afternoons separate from fear that I’ll end up writhing in pain on the floor.
That’s something to celebrate because before I started treating with medical cannabis, that was a reality.
I’m not even fifty but I often guess far older due to a unusual muscle spasm condition that plagues our back and legs. It genuinely came out of nowhere and the dentists were genuinely stumped. Before I figured out how to get a medical marijuana card, I used a lot of medications to try to manage our situation. But unluckyly, muscle relaxers don’t just relax particular muscles as much as they relax our whole body, and with that comes drowsiness and the inability to genuinely believe clearly… So using those muscle relaxers made it genuinely tough for myself and others to work. But being clipped by a serious muscle spasm does not allow myself and others to labor either. So on a bit of a whim, I went to a cannabis event near myself and others to learn more about the medical marijuana benefits when it came to muscle spasm. And I walked away with a great deal of medical marijuana facts as it pertained to our condition. It was compelling enough that it motivated myself and others to navigate the marijuana regulations in order to get access to the legal weed store. Within a month of treating with some cannabis flower products picked out by the staff at the cannabis dispensary, I was improving. It’s been weeks now and I’m back at work. I still have to manage our condition but our reality is bright now thanks to medical cannabis.