I miss my ancient job when I was making close to $40,000 a year and had the esteem of a much more respectable position.
When that supplier folded, I had no option but to take a pay split working for a competitor because it was the only job available for me at that point. While I haven’t given up on the hope that I’ll someday find a better paying job doing the same thing I am right now, it’s still a tough fact that I have to stick to a strict budget every month or I won’t be able to afford my pressing bills. But the more I think about it, is it a bad thing that I’m studying fiscal responsibility and budgeting at this age? Surely it would have been ideal to learn these skills younger, but if I still haven’t tried to create a family of my own, it’s still not too late. I have spreadsheets that contain all of my expenses throughout the week, giving me an plan of where I need to allocate money to survive each week. Sadly, I had to split back extremely on my cannabis purchases because of the rising costs of other goods and services that are more pressing to my survival than my consumption of marijuana and its constitutive products available. If money was no object, I’d be consuming cannabis products like live rosin concentrates and top shelf cannabis flower products on a bi-weekly basis. While I can still afford cannabis flower products, I don’t purchase top shelf varieties anymore because of my inability to afford them for the time being.