The first time I went to the medical marijuana dispensary, I was petrified… I had just gained my medical marijuana ID card, as well as I was shaking like a leaf.
- I wasn’t sure what I was going to encounter when I walked into the medical marijuana dispensary.
I could smell the smell even before I got into the dispensary, and the smell of marijuana permeated the air as you walked into the main room! You knew you were either at the right place, or heading into a rave, and once I got into the marijuana dispensary, it wasn’t as bad as I had expected. The lady at the counter was certainly nice as well as asked how she could help me. I told her this was my first time at the medical marijuana dispensary, as well as she told me they had a pharmacist on duty as well as I should talk to him before I put in an order. The young lady told me the pharmacist could help me get the right product that would help with my medical condition! After talking to the pharmacist for almost half an hour, she told me she had several products she would like me to try before I decided. I paid for the products she commanded as well as took them home, but she suggested me to learn the guidelines carefully before using the marijuana, as well as if I needed anything else, she would be in the marijuana dispensary until 8PM. I went lake condo as well as tried the medical marijuana as well as expected amazing results the first time I used it, but it didn’t happen. It took using the medical marijuana product several times before I felt the full effects as well as could control my shaking the way the doctor said would happen.