Topical for leg and hand pain

When my mother started having pain in her hands from arthritis and getting leg cramps at night, I pushed her to try medical cannabis.

  • At first my mother tried eating gin soaked raisins, icy hot, a heating pad, ice, etc.

None of those remedies worked. She didn’t want to go to the doctor and get medication. So medical weed was nice in between. I think my mother thought she was going to need to smoke a bong and get high. For chronic pain, you don’t have to do that. You can take a pure CBD oil to reduce the inflammation in your body. You also can do a topical. That is what her doctor recommended. Now my mother uses a cannabis infused cream every morning and night. There is a more powerful cream for her arthritis than the leg cramps. They both work wonders though. My mother says it feels like putting a more powerful icy hot on her body. It smells much better and doesn’t leave a sticky residue either. My mother likes how portable it is. The creams are quite tiny and she can stick them in a purse if she does overnight somewhere. It is so easy to travel with it. Since she is a medical cannabis patient she can take it with her when she does the snowbird thing. She has never needed to show her card however. It is not like there are police dogs looking for small creams with no THC content in them. My mother doesn’t get any of those cannabis effects since it doesn’t even get into her bloodstream. It just numbs the area.



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