Learning to love my appetite thanks to medical cannabis

I don’t remember ever feeling good about my appetite or eating.

  • I was always hungry as a kid and loved eating.

But my mom was forever in my ear about the fact that I must be thin and pretty. Like I have memories of her doing this from the time I was maybe 7 or 8. So that’s pretty much where my eating disorder got it’s start. Thanks to medical cannabis, I’m now learning to love my appetite and treat it as the worthy part of me that it is. When I was young, I sort of had the combination of my parents when it came to my body. My dad was a big man and he ate like a machine. Mom was pretty, stylish, thin and very vain. I was long and thick and felt gross thanks to my mom’s standard of what sort of body type was acceptable. The older I got, the more I tried to starve myself to fit that image and to win my mother’s approval. Of course, that spiraled out of control and I ended up hating my body. Prior to learning the medical marijuana benefits for those with eating disorders, I was first starving myself for long periods. Then, I would go in a cycle of binging and purging just the worst foods imaginable. It had to end and I’m thankful I found medical cannabis. After getting through the cannabis rules, I got the cannabis products from the legal weed store that my therapist and doctors suggested. The cannabis products were merely a part of the whole treatment. But I found that the cannabis gummies that I began using were not only important for recognizing and building a good appetite.


Learning to love my appetite thanks to medical cannabis