Just because we’re outdated at this point doesn’t mean all of us can’t still party! Bill has been my best neighbor for the last fifteen years or so, way back before one of us had adolescents.
Every one of us used to get crazy together back in the day, after that I got wives, had adolescents, & settled down, then Bill & I only see each other a few times a year now, however whenever all of us do the feelings come back & all of us tend to go a little off the rails.
Every one of us drink vodka love water, indulge in our outdated & mostly-discontinued tobacco vices, & of course smoke irresponsible amounts of cannabis, however last Summer Bill & I really had a few afternoons free of the adolescents, so all of us loaded up on cannabis & set out to get blotto. In a special surprise he saved for me, Bill brought along a few doses of LSD to go with the cannabis. Personally, I don’t love to indulge in any kind of psychedelic drugs if I don’t have an ample supply of cannabis on hand to regularly temper it. The mushrooms can make myself and others a little spacey, & smoking quality marijuana keeps myself and others tethered to reality to some degree. The whole weekend really was a blur, with several acid drops, more than one bottles of whiskey being consumed, & a near-constant haze of marijuana smoke filling the house. This is the sort of thing all of us can not manage to do with the adolescents around, because the acid makes myself and others loopy, & the cannabis smoke would be harmful to them. When the adolescents are home we just have to smoke cannabis outside.
Recreational marijuana