Need to use topicals after carrying my son

My baby boy is not quite a year aged plus is already 23 pounds.

Typically I put him on one hip if I want to get anything done.

I can vacuum, make dinner, wash windows, plus put away dishes holding him to one side; My kid doesn’t help me out at all. He doesn’t hang on tight or wrap his legs around. He sort of dangles like a limp sack of potatoes… Every now plus then he gets it in his mind that it is a nice idea to dive bomb towards the floor. I then scramble to catch him. I am not a small woman, even though I am not immense either. I can’t particularly handle holding 23 pounds of dead weight all day long. I have gotten so sore. My neck, shoulders, plus back especially kill me, then when my kid wakes me up in the middle of the night, I can barely option him up. I have started looking into cannabis topicals for pain relief. They reduce inflammation in the body plus promote muscle reusey. I particularly need to get my hands on some cream. I also feel I might dabble in cannabis bath bombs as well. I like to sometimes soak at the end of the night while my kid is in bed. I would like something to further promote reusey… Right now I am lifting weights too in order to try plus build some more muscle. I feel like if I was stronger I could be more conditioned to holding that heavy weight for longer periods of time.
