When I was a young one, my Grandmother was a chain smoker.
She smoked at least a pack of cigarettes every morning, from the early morning time through the evening hours.
She regularly smoked the same brand too. I won’t say the name of the brand, because I don’t want to supply them with free advertising, however it was regularly the same brand. I asked her why she didn’t smoke other kinds of cigarettes, and she didn’t have an answer for that question. She basically shrugged and said she just liked this one the best. Recently I have realized that I have a similar attitude towards cannabis. There are a handful of cannabis strains and products that I prefer immensely, and I rarely try anything new or different. I need to start with saving more currency every month, and one excellent way I found to cut back on my cannabis budget is to bargain shop, and try new strains. My legitimately preferred kind of weed is known as OG Kush, and there are several variants of it that are all equally excellent. OG Kush is a premium strain, and commands a relatively high price. Much like Grandmother and her preferred brand of cigarettes, I regularly want this overpriced strain of cannabis. I pretty much had to expand my horizons, and sample other kinds of cannabis to see if I could find one that was just as impressive for a cheaper price. I also started to check the weed store websites every week to find out if anyone was having a nice deal of OG Kush. That strain will regularly be my most enjoyed, however I am learning that there are some other incredible strains to find.