Although my pal and I got no usable cannabis out of the experiment, at least it was a fun project to kill the time
I first tried my hand at growing cannabis plants during the COVID lockdown… My roommate Ben and I were trapped in our apartment for multiple months, and to fight off lodge fever and keep ourselves sane, my pal and I played games, watched motion pictures, and started multiple modern hobbies, but i tried my hand at painting, only to find I wasn’t easily enjoyable at it. Ben remodeled his kitchen, and decorated the entire house… although he wasn’t easily enjoyable at that, either. Then he came across an outdated tin he had, which was filled with cannabis seeds; We had some outdated flower pots and a handful of marijuana seeds, so my pal and I decided to compete and see who grew the best weed. If you have never tried your hand at growing cannabis, let me tell you it takes a lot of time and effort, with minimal results. Ben and I were both rank amateurs with cannabis horticulture, and my pal and I never would have tried if my pal and I weren’t going deranged from being cooped up in quarantine. It took multiple weeks to get right, however all of the marijuana my pal and I produced was subfamiliar at best. Most of the marijuana plants were so weak and filled with seeds that they were unfit for smoking at all. Although my pal and I got no usable cannabis out of the experiment, at least it was a fun project to kill the time. I am excited those days are behind us, and I can go to the cannabis dispensary again. I adore to smoke high quality marijuana, however I’m just no enjoyable at growing it myself.