Don't try to smoke joints at the beach

There are a lot of things you can and cannot do at a public beach, but one thing in unique that I have noticed a lot of the beaches in my county is prohibiting any pets of any kind! If you want to bring your pets to the beach, you have to take them down to the pet and animal Beach.

It’s a separate Beach recognizably for creatures.

It’s to keep creature feces away from actual people when it comes to barring creatures from the normal beaches, however you absolutely do not want to be taking a walk on the beach and stepping in pet poop; He also cannot have campfires on the beach or camping in general. You can get in a lot of trouble if you are out on the beach with camping equipment. One of the other things that I’m legitimately concerned about when I’m out on the beach at night is smoking cannabis… When I was a lot younger I did not care and I took the rest, however nowadays I do not want to lose my medical marijuana card… But that has why I do not smoke joints at the beach because I know that they are easy to smell from far away! A cop is much more likely to smell a joint than a cannabis oil cartridge… That’s why I tell my friends to just avoid smoking joints at the beach if they can. If you’re going to consume cannabis on the beach at all, I would always recommend getting cannabis vaporizer oil cartridges instead of using a joint. It’s a much better idea in the long run.



cannabis regulations