But he started dating a girl that was in his acquaintance group who also happened to smoke weed on the weekends adore I do
Even though our sibling and I are only a year apart in age, all of us couldn’t be more weird from 1 another in manner and disposition. I’m more athletic and extroverted while our sibling is a studious introvert. It’s naturally a lot harder for our sibling to form friendships and maintain them than it is for me by contrast. The two of us rarely shared friends because all of us both chose to hang out with seriously weird crowds at school and out of school. I tried on a number of occasions, even though he was always judgmental towards our friends because they weren’t interested in talking about school or academic subjects. I always got the impression that our sibling extremely judged myself and our friends, however I was given the confirmation of this when he found out in private school that I had started smoking marijuana with our friends on the weekends. He didn’t even drink alcohol, even though he was especially critical of anyone who touched cannabis regardless of the reason. In his mind it was the ultimate gateway drug and had no medicinal value, regardless of what the multitudes of medical experts say. I thought that hell would freeze over long before our sibling would ever support cannabis legalization, let alone try the drug in the first venue and adore it. But he started dating a girl that was in his acquaintance group who also happened to smoke weed on the weekends adore I do. In a matter of 2 years, our sibling had changed completely and his stance on marijuana took a 175 degree turn. Now he’s a proponent of marijuana legalization and no longer extremely judges those who use the plant properly.