I had heard they were soon going to offer marijuana delivery services in our area.
My husband and I thought it would be fun to stay home, watch the championship football game, and try out some marijuana products from the recreational cannabis dispensary. They were going to begin a marijuana delivery service, but we weren’t sure if it had started yet. I called the recreational cannabis dispensary and asked if I could order marijuana products. She told me she couldn’t take orders over the phone, but I could go online and place an order. This seemed easy enough. I pulled out my phone and started doing a search for the local marijuana dispensary. I couldn’t remember the name of the dispensary, but I knew what street it was on. Once I found the right dispensary, I clicked on the website address and waited for it to come up. I looked all over that website, but I couldn’t find any mention of recreational marijuana delivery service. I called the cannabis dispensary back and told them I wanted to have local delivery. I told the same woman that I couldn’t find any mention of marijuana delivery services. That was when I felt like an idiot. She asked if I had yet made the order. I was so set on finding delivery information, that I didn’t think to place the order, and mark it as delivery and not pickup. I found the marijuana products we were interested in, and quickly placed the order. Right before asking for payment, I got a box that asked if it was for pickup or delivery. I was to have my delivery made in two hours.
recreational cannabis store near me