I love being able to shop sales at the cannabis stores

It’s important for me to feel enjoy I’m saving money whenever I go to the store to complete a shopping list I’ve been working on for many afternoons.

If I’m going to drop $100 or more on groceries and supplies, I want to utilize whatever coupons and sales promotions that are available to me.

It’s not regularly straight-forward to find these savings if you’re not proactive about looking at sales papers each week, which are regularly found on store websites and PC applications. One of my favorite grocery stores is regularly running their buy-one, get-one-free deals and the products gave are regularly in rotation. Some weeks you’ll find critical meat products on sale while other afternoons you’ll end up with cereal, cookies, or other snack food. Now that inflation has raised all of the prices at the grocery store, looking for sales and promotions is a critical step at this point in time. While inflation doesn’t entirely drive the prices at the cannabis stores, it is still equally important to shop all of the sales and promotions at your local weed dispensaries. There are sales every single week, even if it requires shopping at more than a single weed store. That’s how I’m able to afford all of the cannabis I smoke, because without the sale prices I don’t think what I would do. The cost of marijuana would be so burdensome that I don’t think if I’d be able to use it weekly any longer. Some of the dispensaries also offer discounts for SNAP recipients and veterans that can be stacked on top of existing discounts. There has never been a better time to be a cannabis user.


More about marijuana

Pre-rolled joints of cannabis are often made with shake and trim left-overs

I’m glad to try current cannabis products when they’re made available.

When my state first unveiled medical marijuana in 2016, the available products were fairly dismal. Everything was made from cannabis distillate oil which contained roughly THC, a few other cannabinoids, and botanical terpenes that didn’t really match the profiles of the strains they were intended to mimic. The first cannabis flower products were sold in pre-filled pods that were intended to go inside cannabis dry herb vaporizers because our state legislature was convinced there was no medical value to smoking marijuana. I remember hearing them echo the sentiment that you didn’t “smoke medicine,” but there were many nurses that stepped forward who said exactly the opposite. A judge ordered that the smoking ban was unconstitutional, but the previous governor kept charming the decision until the recent governor caved to pressure when he took office. I don’t enjoy him, but I’m glad he followed the law that 70% of the state supported when they voted for it in 2016. After that smoking ban ended, nearly all of the existing cannabis dispensary companies jumped on board with selling flower products in their stores. You can buy whole flowers or pre-rolled joints of cannabis flower buds. However, many of the pre-rolled joints gave by marijuana companies in this state are made from the lowest quality material. All of the shake, trim, and left-overs are used for pre-rolled joints at most cannabis dispensaries. Only a few make pre-rolled joints out of whole flower buds that are ground down. Naturally, those are much better quality pre-rolled joints than the a singles made out of the garbage that would usually go into an extraction run.



New cannabis strains

Medical marijuana benefits for cancer patients

When our mom was diagnosed with cancer, it was devastating for our family and I, however every one of us all felt confident that our mom was going to be the exception and she would be able to beat cancer; However, as time went on, every one of us started to see how much fighting cancer was hurting her! She was regularly experiencing side effects to her treatment, such as nausea! It was so difficult to watch her suffer with this pain. It seemed like there was nothing every one of us could do, however every one of us were wrong. Eventually, every one of us had the system of getting our mom some medical marijuana. Every one of us were willing to try anything to help her deal with her side effects. Research suggests that medical marijuana can decrease nausea and vomiting in cancer patients… When our mom got on medical marijuana, she truly needed less medication. She was relying on so much pain management medication, however once she began taking medical marijuana, she received some level of pain management from the cannabis and was able to lower her intake of harder pain medications, medical marijuana is also known to help treat neuropathic pain, which helps multiple cancer patients. I didn’t have much of an opinion regarding medical marijuana prior to this experience, however after seeing how much it helped our mom, I am now an advocate.
cannabis store

Getting our heal on a bit more thanks to medical marijuana

The body is a magical and yet mystifying organism.

In the right circumstances, our bodies can heal themselves from nearly anything. But at some point, this aged body needed more help with setting up the right circumstances for healing. Medical marijuana and the great folks at the legal weed store are helping me with just that. I’ve had surgery before and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world however I was truly on the long end of healing. So when I went into this recent surgery not expecting much different. This was a pretty average, yet still invasive procedure to repair an aged injury that was causing a even-handed amount of pain and wasn’t going to get better. It did not go well. The procedure itself went as planned from a surgical perspective however our body reacted badly to the surger. I wasn’t healing right. So I turned to a more holistic approach to our healing. Along with the medical marijuana benefits, I changed our diet, focused on rest and mediation. Also, I allowed myself to rest when I was exhausted. The medical cannabis for the cannabis dispensary helped me be real about the fact that I’m older, just had surgery and I needed to rest for our body to heal. I was modern to legal weed shops so I’m really thankful the folks at the local cannabis store helped me get the right cannabis flower products to help me. The rate of healing has accelerated significantly in just weeks once I started feeding and resting our body consistently. But the cannabis flower products have made a big difference with managing pain, getting our rest and helping with our hopeful, positive outlook.

cannabis information

Life balance comes with holistic approach and legal weed

I’m going to be quite frank about recreational marijuana.

It’s been a life changer for me.

And that’s just so ironic as I spent a lot of our life railing against recreational weed and even medical marijuana. This came from being raised with all sorts of myth and misinformation when it came to cannabis. I thought it was evil and made sure to let almost everyone else recognize what I thought. But as I’ve l earned as I’m going through the process of rebuilding our life, this reality comes with a whole lot of irony. These afternoons, legal weed and the cannabis store I get it from are keys to a foundation for being our best self. That’s where I am in life and it took riding our old life into the ground before I finally realized that I’m allowed to be ecstatic. It’s weird no longer being married or having to raise teenagers. The teenagers turned out find but the marriage was never a partnership. I’m starting over now and part of our new approach comes with holistic intentions. Using legal weed helps myself and others stay absolutely honest with myself and trust our feelings. That’s still new to me, trusting our feelings. But I’m learning that the real truth is often right inside those feelings that I’m finally giving credence to. While I have worked hard to finally live the life I want to live, it’s sure been made easier with access to legal pot from the cannabis store near me. And, almost everyone at the cannabis store are just so kind and supportive as well.
recreational bud store near me