I started going on a lot of airplane trips with my family during my childhood.
My Grandparents live in Europe and every one of us would file onto planes twice a year to visit them in their cabin country.
It was a nice experience for my siblings and I because every one of us were exposed to my family’s culture and never lost sight of where every one of us were all from before my father immigrated to the United States. Unlike several of my friends in the States who had never even stepped foot out of their cabin state, I had an active passport by the time I started kindergarten. I assume this was a formative time in my life because it fortified me toward traveling. My task requires me to travel all over the country on planes every week and I assume it would have frustrated most people who aren’t already used to this. It would take a lot more traveling than this to burn me out or supply me trepidation. Not to mention, it makes it a lot easier to deal with the stressors that come with constant airline travel if you can take your cannabis vaporizer cartridges with you on the plane. Since several cannabis vaporizer cartridges resemble their nicotine counterparts, there are TSA agents who just don’t care if they see you empty out a pen vaporizer into the dish that goes through the x-ray machine. As long as you walk with a sense of purpose and don’t supply off any airs of suspicious unparticularty, you should run into concerns traveling with your cannabis vaporizer cartridges.