When I first decided that I wanted to try legal weed, I decided that I needed to research first. This was such a nice plan on my part. I didn’t want to walk into the store and not know what I wanted. I also didn’t want to be completely clueless. I found that there are a lot of weird chances with cannabis. You can do a topical which is a cream that goes directly on the skin, a tincture is an oil that goes under the tongue. You can choose an oil to vape, a flower form to smoke or an edible to eat. After that, you need to decide how high you want to get, but check the THC and CBD percentages of each strain! More THC and the higher you get. The CBD is the medical side of the plant that can reduce anxiety, inflammation and chronic pain. Another thing to consider is if you want a sativa, indica or hybrid. A sativa is a daytime strain. It creates a mind high that has you energetic, euphoric and fun. An indica gives you a body high and makes you relaxed, creative and calm, obviously a hybrid blends the many together. After that, how much do you want for your product? What are the limitations to the state? I did so much research before I stepped foot into the cannabis dispensary. I was then able to get exactly what I wanted and sound intelligent when I asked for it. It was a nice plan on my part.