I recently moved to a current city.
I got a task working at the factory & I found a few current friends there.
It seems There are a lot of guys that task at the factory & smoke marijuana. I immediately got to be friends with those smokers. Marijuana is legal for recreational & medical reasons here, but the people that have tasks at the factory don’t exactly want us to use marijuana at work. I made friends with the guy that smokes & figured out that they all meet by the loading dock for dinner & smoke a couple of blunts. I met a guy named Jay & he enjoys fishing as much as I do. I told Jay that I recently got a couple of current rods & reels & the people I was with and I started talking about bizarre baits. Jay asked myself and others if I had been out to the lake recently & I told him that I don’t have a boat. Jay told myself and others that he has a boat & asked myself and others if I wanted to join him that Wednesday for a couple of minutes of fishing on our day off. I was supposed to go shopping with our long term partner, however I knew that he wouldn’t mind if I postponed our shopping trip so I would take Jay up on his offer. Jay and I left as soon as the sun came out & headed for a single of the best fishing spots on the lake. On our drive out, Jay got out an infused marijuana joint that he purchased from the dispensary. The infused marijuana joint had a grape flavor. It was a hybrid with 47% thc. The infused marijuana joint made myself and Jay recognize it was very relaxing.