The medical marijuana helped me to really hear people
I suppose the first thing I had to accept, once it was quite clear that I was suffering from PTSD, was that I wasn’t going to be what I thought of as normal. That was over. But with the benefit of medical cannabis, I’m finding a way toward being transformed from where I’ve been lately. Spending several tours in fierce combat simply changed me. It changed me minute to minute perspective in general. That’s a wholesale change and difficult enough to labor through. But the fact that I’m now dealing with so much fear, pain and anxiety was more than I could handle on our own. That much was clear. Prior to reaching out for help and getting the benefits from medical marijuana, I could hardly come out of our house. All I could suppose comfortable seeking was absolute safety and numbness. That’s where I was and our PTSD was the reason. But our sister helped me find a therapist who uses a more holistic approach to our condition. Part of that approach meant I had to get access to a cannabis dispensary. The cannabis flower products that help me so much are available in legal weed stores now. That’s a great thing. The medical cannabis really helps me both face our fears and the illusion of them, while also imbuing me with a more positive outlook. Plus, it really helped me get over being in group therapy. The medical marijuana helped me to really hear people. And that helped me suppose a whole lot less alone.