My wife and I opened up a marijuana shop on the coast. The place has been very successful.The first few years were tough on us, because we were new to the area and we had to get our feet wet. We decided to place the marijuana shop in an area where there is a lot of foot traffic. We felt this would help us with advertising. When we have a lot of foot traffic, we don’t have to spend a ton of extra money on advertising. The reason we had a lot of foot traffic in the beginning was due to a museum at the end of the street. When the museum stopped offering the IMAX experience, a lot of our foot traffic suddenly stopped and sales were affected severely. We were looking at sales records of $4500 in sales each day. After the IMAX experience shut down, our sales dropped to half that amount. The one thing that we could do was start advertising online and in the newspaper. We also bought a billboard off the interstate right before the exit to our marijuana dispensary. All of our advertising costs the marijuana shop about $15,000 every month. The billboard alone is $8,000. It is right on the interstate and impossible to miss. The billboard advertises our delivery sales and specials and it is updated in live time. Every week we put information on the billboard about upcoming sales and specials and products that are new to the store. The billboard pays for itself with delivery and online orders.