I realize that product packaging is important for consumers, especially when it comes to properly labeling food ingredients.
Imagine being unlucky enough to have severe food allergies with absolutely no way to confirm whether or not a particular item at the grocery store is safe.
My sister relied on nut warnings to avoid getting exposed to food that could throw her into the hospital. If she picked up a random piece of food that didn’t have a nut warning on the label but contained lots of nuts, it could be a life or death situation in a matter of seconds. Those who don’t have these problems might see the warnings as trivial, but they don’t see the people whose very lives depend on those proper label warnings. When it comes to the legal cannabis market in my state, it’s regulated by my state’s Department of Health. As you’d expect, they have numerous rules and laws designating what kind of packaging and product labeling is allowed. It has gotten so extreme that you are forced to use white and opaque packaging with absolutely no translucency of any kind. That means white mylar bags, white plastic jars, and white glass jars. All text is in black only. It’s extremely boring for our cannabis market, but the one part about the packaging rules I agree with is having proper THC, CBD, and terpene percentages for the customer to see. It would be even more helpful to name the particular terpenes so the customer has an idea of what kind of strain they’re about to get before they hand over money across the counter at their favorite cannabis dispensary.