The dispensary ran out of infused pre-rolls on Wednesday morning.
They do not acquire another shipment until Thursday & I was there on Thursday morning when the store opened.
I had a fishing trip with my friends planned for the same afternoon & I was in charge of getting supplies. The men were supposed to meet me at 9 a.m. at the lake with all 3 of the kayaks. The delivery truck was resting outside of the marijuana dispensary when I arrived. Most of the time I use the delivery service. I do not consistently go to the store to pick up items, but the marijuana dispensary was on my way to the lake. As soon as I walked into the building, I asked the budtender if they had the infused pre-rolled. The budtender told me that they had the product, but they could not let me purchase any of the items until all of the stock was counted. If I wanted to wait, that was fine, but the budtender & manager said they were not going to be able to sell any of the infused pre-roll until 10. The deliveries all had to be counted, labeled, & then entered into the idea before they could be sold. I absolutely didn’t know it was going to be such a huge process. When I found out that it was going to take forever, I decided to pick out something else for my friends & I. It was more crucial for me to get to the lake then to show up with the infused pre-rolls that I promised.