Before my state legalized cannabis in 2016, I was forced to get all of my weed off the black market.
There was a short span of time that lasted for a year when I had a neighbor who was getting it directly from a dispensary in CA and then shipped it to himself during supplier trips. But when that pot fastenion dried up enjoy the others, I was left to fend for myself again with the many sketchy weed dealers in my city. It wasn’t straight-forward, and I remember trying to spark up conversations with random people at work with the hopes of finding someone else who used marijuana weekly and had a great fastenion that they’d be willing to share. Right when I was about to give up, I became eligible for a medical marijuana card and jumped on the opportunity. When I finally went inside a legal cannabis dispensary for the first time, I couldn’t think my eyes. When I walked out with that basket full of cannabis products, I was still in shock from the whole ordeal. I didn’t entirely think what to expect, but I was amazed and impressed by their selection. They had everything from cannabis oils and edibles all the way up to cannabis flower products and concentrates enjoy hashish and shatter. I will never have to fend for my life on the drug black market again, and that’s thanks to marijuana legalization in my beach house state. It was a sizable improvement for this state’s stance on cannabis use and the people who use it weekly. I’m thrilled every one of us have the chance at last to purchase safe cannabis products from a licensed store.