The driver came from the east side of town

When I ordered from the marijuana delivery service, I selected the option for priority delivery status.

For an extra $2.99, I can be the first delivery.

No matter when the person leaves the store, the delivery driver has to come to my place first. I was totally out of medical marijuana supplies when I got home from work. I realized the problem quickly and placed an online order. I received a text message telling me when the driver was getting ready to leave the store. It took forever for the driver to arrive and I was beginning to get frustrated. After all, I paid for priority delivery and that marijuana service was only a mile or two away from my apartment. When the driver showed up 43 minutes later, I asked him why it took so long. He told me that there was a lot of traffic on the east side of town. I asked the driver why he was coming from the East side of town and he informed me that he had a delivery over there before mine. As soon as the delivery driver left, I called the marijuana dispensary and complained to the manager. They charged me the fee, but clearly they did not make my order a priority. The manager apologized for the confusion and he told me that the store was very busy. She promised this type of thing does not happen all of the time, but I don’t know if I honestly believe that or not. She did refund the cost of the 2.99 fee, but she certainly didn’t offer anything else to make amends.

medical weed

All deliveries get a one penny pre roll

The total for his order was around $200.

I love when the dispensary has some type of sale or special. They don’t run the promotions often, but they usually have something going on during April and close to 4:20. This year, all of the marijuana deliveries qualified for a pre-roll that was only one penny. Marijuana delivery services in the area were already busy, but the penny pre-roll made things a lot worse. I was working on the second night of the promotion. People must have heard about the penny pre-roll, because they started calling the store to confirm the special. We had it listed on the website and we had it listed on our updated Weedmaps profile as well. I had 17 deliveries that night. Most of the deliveries were local, but a couple of the marijuana deliveries were out in the country. One person really surprised me when they gave me a huge tip. I drove up to an old farmhouse with crackers and broke down cars in the driveway. The guy ordered an ounce of marijuana and 2 grams of concentrate. He looked really excited to receive the free pre-roll. The total for his order was around $200. The guy gave me five $50 bills. I looked at the total which was just under 200 and I told the guy that he might have given me too much money. He told me that he knew there was $250 there and the rest was a tip for me. That was easily one of the biggest tips that I have ever received from a single customer.


Weed delivery

I often fly domestically with cannabis vaporizer cartridges

I started going on a lot of airplane trips with my family during my childhood.

My grandparents live in Europe and we would file onto planes twice a year to visit them in their home country.

It was a good experience for my siblings and I because we were exposed to my family’s culture and never lost sight of where we were all from before my father immigrated to the United States. Unlike many of my friends in the States who had never even stepped foot out of their home state, I had an active passport by the time I started kindergarten. I think this was a formative time in my life because it fortified me toward traveling. My job requires me to travel all over the country on planes every month and I think it would have frustrated most people who aren’t already used to this. It would take a lot more traveling than this to burn me out or give me trepidation. Not to mention, it makes it a lot easier to deal with the stressors that come with constant airline travel if you can take your cannabis vaporizer cartridges with you on the plane. Since many cannabis vaporizer cartridges resemble their nicotine counterparts, there are TSA agents who just don’t care if they see you empty out a pen vaporizer into the dish that goes through the x-ray machine. As long as you walk with a sense of purpose and don’t give off any airs of suspicious uncertainty, you should run into issues traveling with your cannabis vaporizer cartridges.


Read more about marijuana

It’s amazing to no longer be forced to shop for weed on the black market

Before my state legalized cannabis in 2016, I was forced to get all of my weed off the black market.

There was a short span of time that lasted for a year when I had a friend who was getting it directly from a dispensary in California and then shipped it to himself during business trips.

But when that pot connection dried up like the others, I was left to fend for myself again with the various sketchy weed dealers in my city. It wasn’t easy, and I remember trying to spark up conversations with random people at work with the hopes of finding someone else who used marijuana daily and had a good connection that they’d be willing to share. Right when I was about to give up, I became eligible for a medical marijuana card and jumped on the opportunity. When I finally went inside a legal cannabis dispensary for the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes. When I walked out with that bag full of cannabis products, I was still in shock from the whole ordeal. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was amazed and impressed by their selection. They had everything from cannabis oils and edibles all the way up to cannabis flower products and concentrates like hashish and shatter. I will never have to fend for my life on the drug black market again, and that’s thanks to marijuana legalization in my home state. It was a huge improvement for this state’s stance on cannabis use and the people who use it daily. I’m thrilled we have the opportunity at last to purchase safe cannabis products from a licensed store.

Space cake

Now my brother no longer judges weed smokers and uses it himself

Even though my brother and I are only a year apart in age, we couldn’t be more different from one another in manner and disposition.

I’m more athletic and extroverted while my brother is a studious introvert.

It’s naturally a lot harder for my brother to form friendships and maintain them than it is for me by contrast. We rarely shared friends because we both chose to hang out with drastically different crowds at school and out of school. I tried on a number of occasions, but he was always judgmental towards my friends because they weren’t interested in talking about school or academic subjects. I always got the impression that my brother harshly judged myself and my friends, but I was given the confirmation of this when he found out in high school that I had started smoking marijuana with my friends on the weekends. He didn’t even drink alcohol, but he was especially critical of anyone who touched cannabis regardless of the reason. In his mind it was the ultimate gateway drug and had no medicinal value, regardless of what the multitudes of medical experts say. I thought that hell would freeze over long before my brother would ever support cannabis legalization, let alone try the drug in the first place and like it. But he started dating a girl that was in his friend group who also happened to smoke weed on the weekends like I do. In a matter of two years, my brother had changed completely and his stance on marijuana took a 180 degree turn. Now he’s a proponent of marijuana legalization and no longer harshly judges those who use the plant regularly.
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