The customer tried to get the delivery driver to stay

Every once in a while there is a situation that gets out of hand at work; As supervisor of the marijuana dispensary & delivery service, it’s our job to make sure that all of these problems do not affect the corporation from one afternoon to the next, however when one of our employees started dating another one of our employees, I warned the kids not to let the relationship affect their job performance, eventually both of the kids ended up breaking off the relationship & then they wanted to be on separate shifts.

I told them that I was not going to make any special schedules just because they can’t get along anymore.

I had an issue with the delivery driver a couple of afternoons ago… This was much different than that issue with the employees in the store, but it involved a relationship! One of the regular clients tried to get a delivery driver to stay when the guy delivered the marijuana products. The employee was so uncomfortable that he contacted the marijuana dispensary & asked for myself and others directly. I thought the people I was with and I were going to need to get the police involved, but our delivery driver was finally able to persuade the drunk woman to let him leave. That was honestly one of the strangest & most bizarre incidents that I have ever had to deal with. The poor delivery driver did not want to go on any more deliveries that evening & I sent him up-to-date home early. From one afternoon to the next, I never suppose what is going to happen at work. That is one of the reasons why I appreciate the job so much.



medical marijuana

The postman works for the marijuana service now

Shortly after Christmas, I noticed both of us had a brand new mailman delivering our mail.

That’s really not the type of thing that everyone would recognize, but I’m beach house every single day when the mailman arrives as well as I have seen her face a hundred times.

When I saw someone new, I was a bit worried. The new post office employee would not absolutely provide me a lot of information as well as that made me think even more nervous. I didn’t think what happened to the postman until Last month when I saw the woman delivering for another corporation. The funniest section about this situation is the fact that the postman is currently delivering for the marijuana service. I order marijuana from the delivery service as well as I have the items brought to our door every other week. The postman delivered the items this time as well as she looked entirely distraught as well as surprised. She had to have known that she would eventually end up delivering something to a beach house where a lady lived that knew him. I found it hard to assume that I was the first lady to find out that the woman was laboring for the marijuana delivery service. She begged me not to share the information with anyone else. She did tell me that she makes a lot more money laboring for the marijuana delivery service, so it’s no wonder she decided to change works after 15 years with the United States Postal Service. If I was making $1600 a week in tips I would really switch tasks too. That doesn’t even include whatever hourly wage the woman receives.


The postman works for the marijuana service now

The headaches are absolutely terrible at evening

That was almost numerous years ago

The worst time of the day for me is at evening. I get absolutely bad migraine headaches at evening. I had a couple of accidents when I was younger as well as I hit our head a few times, once I was in a coma for numerous afternoons before I woke up. The dentist used to provide me lots of prescriptions for medicines that were supposed to help with the migraine headaches, and most of the time, the medicines made me entirely exhausted. They also made me gain weight, so I stopped taking them. I absolutely felt adore it was better to have the headaches than gain a bunch of weight! As an adult, I realize that is completely crazy. I had to do something about the headaches when they were keeping me from leading a productive life. I was having trouble at work, because I wasn’t sleeping a lot as well as I had concerns concentrating frequently. I spoke with our primary care physician as well as the woman wanted to think if I ever thought about using medical cannabis. She told me that there were a lot of advancements being made in medical marijuana as well as there was a lot of promise shown in studies. She had to refer me to a specialist, because medical marijuana was so new. That was almost numerous years ago. I still have headaches, although I have much easier access to medical as well as recreational marijuana. One of the reasons is due to the fact that I moved. I decided to pack up as well as travel to a state that absolutely allows recreational as well as medical marijuana, now I have access to all of the cannabis that I need as well as I can even have those products delivered right to our front door.


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I forgot to bring an umbrella to work

Even though I have pollen irritations, I still adore the Springtimetime.

I adore the way that it smells outside when it is raining.

I don’t mind spending our day outside when it rains. I assume that is 1 of the reasons why I make a fine delivery driver. I can drive in the daytime or at evening as well as I don’t have any concerns if it’s raining or snowing. I have an umbrella that I keep by the door. I always grab the umbrella when it’s raining as well as I always check the forecast before I leave the house. It’s crucial to think what to expect when you labor as a marijuana delivery driver! Unluckyly, our mind has been entirely frazzled lately. I have been thinking about proposing to our lady as well as it’s the only thing I have on our mind. I forgot to check the weather on Sunday as well as I didn’t grab an umbrella either… By the time I got to the marijuana delivery service, it was already raining. There was nobody at the store that had an extra umbrella. There was nothing I could do except grit our teeth as well as bear the rain. The first delivery that I had went to an older lady in an beach house on the lower West Side. The old lady looks adore our Grandma as well as she was just as kind as well as sweet. I delivered her medical marijuana supplies as well as she told me that I needed an umbrella. I told the lady that I left mine at beach house that afternoon. She reached behind the door as well as she gave me an umbrella. It had been her fiance’s before she died.



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A botched website can be fixed

I had been searching for a great website design dealer for quite awhile. My cannabis dispensary website needed some work. I asked a single of my budtenders to get a website up for us & that was a mistake. A guy who is good on a laptop isn’t necessarily a great web builder. The website was a single page with very little content, blurry pictures & no iphone number for our store. To make a long story short, I had a horrible cannabis website. I started looking around for who could do the web design. I didn’t want to use any of the online platforms where you make your own website. The way I see it, I wouldn’t watch a youtube video of a plumbing repair & then do it myself. I wouldn’t learn a book on how to build a deck & then do it on my own. Why should I make my own website? There are experts in this field. After seeing what happens when someone does it for free, I was willing to pay quite a bit. I found a website design dealer through a friend. He used the SEO side of that corporation to help his bakery get more traffic. I wanted to start with just a great website. The builder I worked with was great. He got myself and others numerous pages of content, the iphone number clearly advertised & all modern pictures up. The website started out looking cheap & tacky. Now it looks professional, high end & classy. I feel way better about it now.

web development