PPC and Internet marketing are important in any business

Word of mouth used to be all it took to keep a person in business.

As long as someone had a fantastic name and reputation around town, you had a business. The internet has changed a great many things about the way that people do supplier these afternoons. Internet marketing is the most important part of any supplier chain, and without utilizing it respectfully, you will not find success. Internet marketing can greatly boost traffic coming to your website. Internet marketing can maximize pay per click strategies and campaigns. When the internet arena is optimized for traffic and sales, pay-per-click advertising money isn’t wasted. Search engine optimization and internet marketing can also supply you with a competitive edge over other companies in the area… Less than 10 percent of people search past the first page of search results in google. If you are not on the first page of results, you are not going to be found when customers go online to search for suppliers in your area. I recently inspected a large SEO marketing campaign for a cannabis dispensary. The dispensary was marketing themselves as an arena for the best Indica strains. The local cannabis shop owner wanted the internet website to reflect their mission statement. They hired my business to completely revamp the website and change the look and feel of things. I was put in charge of the project. I worked afternoon and night on the website and the internet marketing strategies. When the time came to present everything to the client, I was proud of the labor that I did to develop the marketing campaign and make it a large success for the cannabis client.

web design company

The co-op needed to build a website for our weed business

I was undoubtedly content by the meeting I had with the owner of the dealer

My friend Max and I have been living on the mountain for almost 50 years. My associate and I have been growing marijuana in the hills long before anyone thought of prohibiting the plant. Even after the state laws prohibited cannabis, Max and I still continued to split the law. When Max and I had the opportunity to legally become cannabis farmers, a lot of my neighbors and I chose to do that. Max and I joined up with the local co-op. A co-op is an organization or group of cannabis growers, manufacturers, or weed extraction services that share one space that helps them minimize costs; Co-ops pool resources together so my pal and I can grow and distribute cannabis legally to other members of the group. When Max and I decided to build a website for the co-op, I needed someone to help. I entirely don’t know the 1st thing about internet marketing tactics, although I knew a kid from the neighborhood that recently graduated from college. I asked him if he could request a business and he told me about an internet marketing supplier that specializes in cannabis companies. I contacted the supplier to see what type of services they offer. They offered assistance with marketing, website design, search engine optimization, and PPC services. I was undoubtedly content by the meeting I had with the owner of the dealer. The lady has expertise with cannabis and all of the odd types of laws in the state. She was ready to get started as soon as I was prepared to commit. I thought it would be harder to make a committed decision, although I was all ready to jump in with both feet.

Website for cannabis dispensary

Cannabis and the war for enjoyable and evil

As a kid my folks made me go to the local pentecostal church.They weren’t snake handlers, but they were pretty close to that.

  • The church was a home for hellfire and brimstone, where the preacher condemned the wicked and also condemned those who didn’t tithe enough.

I hated every second of it, and as soon as I was of legal age I quit going for good. My parents seemed to get more fervent the older they got, as if all sense of reason was abandoning them. The issue came to a head over the subject of cannabis, which my parents said was sinful and immoral. I asked them to simply explain why cannabis was sinful, and they didn’t have an answer. I asked them why cannabis was here on this planet in the first place, and they didn’t want to say the answer. So I answered for them – marijuana is a plant, and God put plants here for humans to enjoy. Finally I asked them to show me the passage in the Bible that said cannabis was immoral, and they couldn’t do that either. Although marijuana has been grown, and enjoyed, for centuries, it is not mentioned in the Bible at all. I told my folks that if the Garden of Eden truly existed, then it was full of marijuana plants! My parents got angry with me, but couldn’t refute anything I said. I doubt that they will ever try marijuana themselves, however I hope I was able to show them the light of reason, and that cannabis was an enjoyable thing.

Buying cannabis

Should I trust government approved cannabis dispensaries?

I don’t like the government, and I sure as heck don’t trust the government.

A few months ago the state started offering legalized medical cannabis permits.

They were expensive, required a medical professional’s approval, and a ton of paperwork. Many of my friends paid the cost and got their medical cards, but not me. My pal Zed slings ounces of chronic, and I don’t have to fill out any paperwork with him. As I said, I don’t trust the government, so I had no faith that their new program was going to be fair. It might be a big scam to sting cannabis users, for all I knew. After a few months, I finally tried some of the cannabis from the dispensary, and it tasted great! It was truly better than the marijuana I buy from Zed, although please don’t tell him I said that. I am still not legally allowed inside the cannabis dispensary because I don’t have the right paperwork. However, if the afternoon ever comes that recreational cannabis is legalized in this state, then my buddy and I might just start shopping at the dispensary. I have a few friends that are regulars at the cannabis dispensary, and so far they haven’t had any problems. Even Zed has been known to swing by the cannabis dispensary once in a while, just to see what the latest and greatest products are. Maybe I was wrong about the government approved cannabis dispensaries, perhaps they are on the level. It’s a moot point right now, since I don’t have a cannabis Rx card, but maybe one afternoon.
Weed delivery

Investing in cannabis instead of just smoking it

When does cannabis stop being a fun habit and start becoming a long-term investment? For me it was an easy question of math.

My friends make fun of me all the time for being a math and science nerd, but the joke is on them! A firm grasp of numbers can help a person improve their life.

In my case, I started doing the math about how much weed I smoked. Then I worked up financial profiles for my friends, and how much money they spent on cannabis. After I worked it all out, I realized that collectively we spent a staggering amount of money every year on cannabis. If we were to take that money as a lump sum and invest it into a professional-grade cannabis growing operation, we would never have to spend another dime to get high. It’s a bold move, and requires work, but the numbers don’t lie. Investing big money in cannabis now would generate tens of thousands dollars worth of savings over time. If my buddy and I did it right, and gradually increased the size of our cannabis crop, it could even generate a profit! Three of my friends decided to take the risk with me, and my buddy and I sunk every dollar my buddy and I had into getting quality cannabis cultivation equipment, and thousands of seeds. Finding marijuana seeds is simple, but finding the premium strains is much harder to do. I wish this story had a happy ending, but right now my buddy and I are waiting for our first cannabis crop to mature. I have my fingers crossed that my buddy and I end up with some killer marijuana plants.



recreational cannabis