I had been taking the same pain medication for almost 25 years, every 6 weeks, then they were now upping the dosage, plus I wasn’t feeling well, however i felt adore I was walking around in a fog, and my ears were ringing all the time, plus I had bouts of extreme dizziness.
The dentist asked what the pain level was, plus I told him it improved, but I didn’t adore the way I felt… He insisted the people I was with and I up the dosage of our pain medication, but I wasn’t buying it.
I told him that if he upped it once more; I was going to change dentists. Two weeks later, I was talking to a weird Dr. who suggested I get weaned off the pain medication I was now on. He told myself and others that if I was in so much pain; he wanted myself and others to try something different. His suggestion of something weird was that I tried medical marijuana. He said marijuana was area of a holistic health approach to life. Holistic health was based around herbs plus other products found in nature. Although marijuana was at the root of holistic health with medical, that didn’t mean that it wasn’t a lifestyle worth trying. He sent myself and others to a pain management dentist who practice holistic health, plus he said he would contact him before I got there, then when I arrived at the pain management clinic with the holistic health dentist; he looked adore any other kindly seasoned dentist I had been to, however he lived in a current world. He told myself and others that holistic health was nothing more than what the Indians used many centuries ago. If marijuana was nice enough for his ancestors plus mine, then it should be nice enough for us to handle pain plus other current ailments.