There’s one way to get by

When I was in university it was the 70s at the time, & the country was a legitimately different locale! I was quite serious at that point about my studies, & earning a degree, although I was also legitimately more than worried about the Vietnam conflict, because after I graduated I might get drafted! I worked hard all the time, however with the specter of war looming over me, I also played hard! Every weekend or two I would pack up my VW van with some extra clothes, a surfboard, & a fat bag of marijuana, & take a road trip to the beach.

I would spend every weekend lounging on the sands, puffing Purple Haze, & relaxing. I was lucky, because by the time I successfully graduated the Vietnam conflict was over, so I could keep hitting the beach & smoking this awesome cannabis as much as I wanted; The problem came that I needed some work, because after university I couldn’t just crash in the dorm & subsist on no currency. In those afternoons I just needed enough currency for gas, & for my own cannabis, & everything else sort of worked out on its own. Instead of finding office work, I just purchased a double batch of cannabis one time. I kept a little piece just for myself, & sold the rest for twice what I had paid, & then re-invested that new currency back into another bin of cannabis; Within more than one weeks I was smoking just about as much cannabis as I wanted for free, & making an extra 300 bucks a month on top of it! At that point in time, 300 bucks a month plus unlimited cannabis was a pretty fantastic living for a guy such as me.

Indica strains